Friday, November 16, 2012

The Journey Continues....

As I advance into my late twenties, I realize that the landscape of my character is changing and I am no longer the person I was in my early to mid-twenties. As a matter of fact, I am not the person I was at the beginning of this year. Certain things that I would normally overlook are getting harder to ignore, and my purposefulness and candor might be causing friction with those persons who I believed I could be myself with more than anybody else. Nonetheless as the smoke has finally begun to clear, I realize now more than ever who is truly there for me. Things have definitely changed. I find myself being less of a social butterfly and more of a homebody, domesticated and content. Suddenly I am no longer as accessible and on call to the world as I previously was. I am no longer calling as often as I (never really ever) used to, swapping stories isn’t as much fun, and I think twice before accepting an invite to join anyone to hang. It’s almost like that dependable familiarity of being a social butterfly has slowly started to fade away, and I am left to wonder who’s really to blame? Myself? Evolution? God? Should I expect that as I grow up I will also grow apart from my social network? I learned a long time ago the only thing that is constant… is change. With change comes unfamiliarity. But I am learning to embrace this new chapter in life! As I reflect on this shift into adulthood and the onset of motherhood, I see myself turning and going inward for answers. I am venturing down the hallways and corridors of my life to settle up with some old ghosts and ward off any new ones trying to become squatters. This is private time. A time for me to be with me, and look for the answers within. I probably should have done this more often in life, but I am realizing that there is no time like the present to hang out with oneself. As I go inward I realize how beautiful the landscaping really is inside of this aging cavern, and remarkably I am not as empty and hallow as I once thought I was. My inside upholstery is sewn together with saving grace. My interior is furnished with spiritual growth. My walls are decorated with prayer and praises, and the baseboards and top boarders are covered in scripture. My whole insides smell like Christmas time oozing through my pores. I thought inside of me would be like a mysterious cavern, but instead I have entered into a cave of wonders, right here in my own body! Light shines abundantly from an obscure light source and illuminates every corner. It’s more beautiful than I ever could imagine. It’s actually very comfy inside self. And to my surprise, deep within my cavernous walls, surprise awaits at every turn. Just when I had gotten comfortable with myself, my insides began to shift and move, like a puzzle. You see things get rearranged automatically inside of you and space was being created. Now if you have ever done rearrangement of your house or room it’s quite complex like a puzzle how to get things in just the right spot! Sometimes things must be thrown out in order to make room for something new that you haven’t yet acquired. It was in this rearrangement that I encountered a companion who doesn’t mind the long narrow corridors and blurred visions from candid moments with friends and family playing like an endless movie reel up above. In fact, I think he is rather amused at it all. I am grateful for his company and even if it is only for a short while, I am appreciative and know I am not dependent on his company since I spent so much time with self. But there are those private moments that I don’t want to share with him… and somehow my pride bends and I let him in. There’s something romantic about sharing private past memories with someone you love. And usually it’s in those often painful private moments; he steps in and comforts me. He and I both know, I can face the ghosts and cobwebs of my past myself, but it’s nice to have someone come in your life that you can team up with! Each day I am greeted with butterflies, tumbles, bounces, and stretches from a growing little angel inside my womb. Every day I fall a little more in love with this foreign object I cannot see, hear, smell, or taste. But yet when my hand goes towards by belly, I am comforted to know that this little person inside of me is reaching out to touch my hand back. Perhaps she is wondering what the racket is going on outside of her little comforted world. I don’t know what she is thinking, but I am totally aware of her presence. I am extremely blessed & humbled by this blessing from God. I know that my source of happiness is deeply rooted from within. I love the woman I am becoming and that is all that matters. I’m growing and glowing every day because my own source of power is strengthened by love, and God is love. I’m learning that less association doesn’t necessarily mean disassociation. My own family unit is expanding to include new members. And as my journey takes a slight curve in another direction, I look forward and ahead knowing those who love and support me will always be there in one capacity or another. And for those who are foes will fall by the wayside. xoxox, Roxci

Friday, March 30, 2012

VoteOrDie: The Proactive Response to Trayvon Martin's Death

VOTE or DIE. The slogan seemed a bit extreme and even corny when Hip Hop icon Sean “Diddy” Combs coined the slogan in the 2004 presidential race between then President George W. Bush and then president elect-John Kerry, to get 18-24 year olds active and energized in the voting process. But just eight years later following the racially targeted death of Trayvon Martin, that slogan doesn’t seem so extreme or corny anymore. Ghandi said “we must be the change we want to see in the World.” So this election year, we must VOTE or DIE.

To read the rest of the article and see my future projects visit me at Fresh Daily Goods...


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Black America, You Let Me Down!

We March, We Rally, We Uproar Only to become Silenced Peacekeepers Once Again

Black America, you have once again let me down.

We used to be a people that came together to protest the injustices of America. We marched on Washington, held sit ins, were hosed down by powerful water sprays, even attacked by dogs. We lobbied Congress, we took court cases to the Supreme Court, and we carved a path in our Nation’s history that no one will ever forget. It was a proud time to be Black in America. We each held a sense of pride of who we are and fought against the racial supremacist regime of the Klu Klux Klan. We fought against segregation and Jim Crowe for years. Got that people, YEARS! Now, whenever there is a blatant attack of racism against Black America we rise up for days and then go on about our business until the next atrocity happens. We were not afraid to voice our concerns. In the end our cries for justice were heard and the 14th and 15th Amendments regarding Civil Rights and Black Suffrage were ratified. But in those years following somehow we (as a people) became complacent and silenced by the comforts of American standard luxury. I feel as though the sentiments echoed around the country by many is that we no longer have to fight the good fight because racism isn’t a black and white issue anymore. Racism is on the decline! But on the evening of February 26, 2012 racism in its truest form rose its evil ugly head and reminded me that we still live in a country where racism’s roots are still embedded in this country’s dark past in its purest form is a black and white issue.

Allow me to digress for a moment, I promise it will be short. I walked down to the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial this afternoon on March 22, 2012 during my lunch break. As I walked through the entranceway to the statue, I wondered if Dr. King were alive today what message he would give us? What hope would he instill in us? I listened and waited for an answer, but none came. Despite being a larger than life stone beacon of hope to us all, King’s monument seemed like a waste of time and space. I hung my head down and said to myself, will there ever be hope in this great country you were so proud of Dr. King? In that moment it was if time stood completely still. I rose my head and clear as day I saw the words “I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness.” Now I know this isn’t his exact quote, but in my head I heard him saying those words. And so I rushed back to the office to write this…

Have we forgotten to be drum majors for justice, peace and righteousness? Have we forgotten to stand up before the bandwagon and lead the way to a better more United States of America? We no longer have Dr. King as our drum major, as his legacy is revived in all of us. Instead of one man, we have hundreds of thousands of drum majors with voices who have the power and knowledge to sway the pendulum of racism in this country! That racism will NOT be tolerated and the immediate incarceration and isolation of those who do so will ultimately face a comparable punishment for their crimes. We will do away with the satanic hate groups, the supremacist groups, and strive to form coalitions of all races to promote unity in a country still severely divided by racial lines. How many more black children are we going to have to lose before we stand up and declare a war against racism, AGAIN? Yes, AGAIN! I think I finally understood why Dr. King’s statue was so important to be placed on the Tidal Basin. He represents the changing tide of equality in this country. Ladies and gentlemen, we are STILL fighting racism in this country. EVERYDAY. It may be as subtle as being visibly invisible on a crowded metro train or it may be starring down the barrel of a gun at the hands of psychological gangster. It exists and there is something we can do about it, TOGETHER.

So when will it ever end? When will racism ever be abolished? Probably only when God himself comes down to Earth. But until that day, we can continue to plant seeds of equality and educate ourselves, our children, our community about the dangers of the world we live in, including in our own neighborhoods. We can strengthen programs in our community that promote diversity, harmony, and unity. We can improve upon the structure already in place and create safer neighborhoods for our children, but it takes each of us. Each one of us, with a voice, to stand up for justice and be the drum majors Dr. King would have us to be. According to U.S. Representative John Lewis, "Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, he educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations."

I can only imagine as Dr. King stood before hundreds of thousands standing on these same streets of Washington, DC that I am currently walking on today as I type this in my iphone when he declared “I Have A Dream”

I can only imagine as Dr. King stood before hundreds of thousands standing on these same streets of Washington, DC that I am currently walking on today as I type this in my iphone when he declared “I Have A Dream.” This is just an excerpt from the speech, I have provided the full text version in a link.

"I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered August 28, 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC

"But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition...

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds..."

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children...

We cannot walk alone. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...”

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Focus on Your Dopeness

Disclaimer: Most of this note was taken from the blog "Mane and Chic," put I wanted to repost in my own way, own style, own form, and using my own words. If you would like to review the original article please click here.

Now... to Focus on Your Dopeness!
Dopeness adj. A word that describes something that is extremely cool, such as music, clothes, people, etc.- Urban Dictionary

I learned so much this past year in 2011. Whew! I honestly am glad to see it go, but I had to go through so much to get to the place I am now! 2011 was one of the most awakening, most enlightening, most progressive years of my 27 years of existence. My experiences helped shape my growth in just about every area of my life, especially my spiritual connection with God. And because of this relationship, I have lost a few friends, but gained so much more in return! For the first time I felt God’s perfect peace, and have been striving to maintain its elusiveness ever since. No doubt there will be tests and trails in 2012, but I have a wealth and breadth of knowledge and wisdom gained through my trails in 2011 to master it all. I’m focusing on my dopeness!

Here are the many lessons I learned (and am still learning) this year and some lessons from before 2011 that I hope will help you as we move forward in 2012. Some themes are repeated, but that’s perfectly fine because repetition is the mother of learning. Most of these lessons are from random thoughts, radio shows, tv shows, some are direct quotes from books, tweets from others, and some are just from my own life experiences. Print this out and review it as much as possible. Please use this list to focus on your dopeness in 2012!

Enjoy, Peace and Blessings to you all!

1.If you do nothing else, PRAY.
2.PRAY UNCEASINGLY! Prayer changes situations!
3.Need nothing, attract everything.
4.Everything is energy.
5.Release to renew.
6.We average 60,000 thoughts per day and most of them are habitual. Challenge that! Change your thoughts!

7.Satan is the ego:”the deceiver”. EGO = edge God out. Strive to lose your ego as much as possible.

8.If you live your life fully, you will only die once, but if you are scared, fear will kill you day after day.

9.Start from the destination, and then figure out how to get there.
10.A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul.

11.Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
12.The road to wealth is to observe what people want and give it to them. We are here to serve. Insight + Action + Serving = Wealth!
13.Ignorance of mental and spiritual laws is the cause of all unhappiness.
14.Faith is a seed that grows after its kind. Plant the idea/seed in your mind, water and fertilize it with expectancy, and it will manifest.

16.Wealth eludes most people because they are preoccupied with events while disregarding process. Without process, there is no event.

17.You have to get to the root of a problem in order uproot it. Experiences come to show you what you really believe.

18.There are only two emotions: fear and love. Anger is just a manifestation of fear. Right below the anger is a well of hurt. Then below the hurt is a layer of love. When you’re angry, look for the core… the fear behind what you’re angry about.

19.Program your subconscious mind through repetition.
20.You think you have many problems, but you really only have one… your separation from your source.

21.Never start a business just to make money. Stop chasing money and start chasing needs. Stop thinking about business in terms of your selfish desires, whether it’s money, dreams or “do what you love.” Instead, chase needs, problems, pain points, service deficiencies, and emotions.

22.The amount of money in your life is merely a reflection to the amount of value you have given to others.

23.Just let go. Let it flow. Just let it go!
24.If you are struggling with anything in life or there’s a goal you haven’t reached yet, look for the lesson in every moment of that journey.

25.Everything for a reason, there are things you had to learn from it/them… it/they were practice.

26.Create what you want instead of being stuck in what you didn’t have.
27.Rock bottom is good solid ground and a dead end street is just a place to turn around.

28.You add value to self when giving your love to someone who has earned it and values you.

29.Don’t just go through it, GROW through it.
30.Relieving the suffering of others is the best way to gain freedom from suffering.
31.If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.
32.You have a right to your thoughts and feelings. Your feelings are always valid.
33.Stay on your hustle. You have everything you need.
34.When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
35.We must be our own before we can be another’s.
36.What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.

37.To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

38.Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

39.Listen to your gut.
40.Meditate, meditate, meditate… for the mind that is still — the whole world surrenders.

41.We are all here for a purpose.
42.We are not our egos.
43.Live in the now and be present.
44.Think thoughts that make you feel good, make choices that make you feel good, and take actions that make you feel good.

45.Action is the bridge between your dreams/goals and making them your reality.
46.Your ISSUE becomes your CAUSE. We are all given “issues” and the challenge is to overcome them and share how you did it with other people.

47.If you’re comfortable, you’re not growing.
48.Pay attention to your life!
49.Talk is still cheap.
50.Believe all that a person does and little of what they say.
51.Love is a behavior.
52.If you want something, you really have to feel like you have it already. Get in that space of feeling it as much as you possibly can.

53.To go far, you must go near first.
54.Dreams are the seedlings of reality.
55.The closest people to you are the most contagious.
56.The most valuable skill you can have is the ability to direct your thoughts.
57.If you do not express your own ideas and listen to your own being, then you are betraying yourself.

58.It’s not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It’s because we dare not venture that they are difficult.

59.Every nail that you hammer in your brother’s hand keeps you on the cross.
60.Spend some time each day meditating on about and with God.
61.Don’t debate, BRAINSTORM!
62.Faith and fear make poor bedfellows. They cannot coexist. Do what you want to do and have unyielding faith that it will work!

63.I think you know you’re with the right person when you’re growing… if you’re not growing and feel you can’t… time to move on.

64.Conflict is growth trying to happen.
65.You are who you hang with… get away from people who have your same problems and get around people with your solution!

66.Love is God. God is Love. Love feels like growth, safety, peace and acceptance.
67.There is a such thing as spiritual abuse and spiritual violence.
68.Your spending is a reflection of what you value.
69.Notice yourself! Don’t analyze or judge… just NOTICE!
70.It is the energy of our intentions, not actions that come back to us. You cannot cheat your way to good things.

71.If you have selfish people in your life, then you have been selfish in your life.
72.If u have anything negative in your life, think of what energy you were putting out to attract it and CHANGE IT POST HASTE!

73.Don’t be a victim, be a CREATOR!
74.Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

75.If you can’t find a job and want one… CREATE ONE!
76.Pay attention to your thoughts. You can change them and by doing that change your life NOW!

77.You can earn a handsome living doing something you love.
78.Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

79.The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but reveal to them their own.

80.It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
81.Your gut is the voice of your ‘higher self’; it’s your personal GPS.
82.The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.

83.When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
84.Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.
85.Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is [not] his twin brother.
86.Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

87.When you stop playing it safe, your spirit is free to grow, expand and create.
88.Thoughts are spiritual seeds.
89.Forgive and release so that you can be free.
90.Love is free.
91.We chose our children.
92.We chose our life circumstances to learn lessons.
93.Exercise, exercise, exercise! Our lives love movement on every level. Move!
94.Affirmations are powerful. Our words are like magic wands.
95.Love more. Forgive more. Hate less.
96.Be conscious of your patterns and habits. They are likely the same patterns/habits demonstrated in your childhood. Overcome the ones that do not serve you.

97.You must be a good giver to be a good receiver.
98.If there is an area of your life where you are lacking, it’s a sign of where you need to give and grow more.

99.Love is the solution for everything.
100.Don’t settle.
101.Be conscious of what energy you are projecting onto others.
102.Be the love that you desire.
103.Make space in your life for what you want: physically, literally, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

104.Get rid of relics that no longer serve you are that don’t make you feel good.
105.Feeling good = feeling God.
106.Purge and release beliefs, things, people and jobs that no longer serve you.
107.Be decisive.
108.Act in faith.
109.Fear and doubt are the enemy, use them to pivot towards your destiny/dreams/goals.
110.Write down your dreams and goals to make them happen.
111.Prayer should be about giving thanks and love.
112.No one has control of your emotions.
113.What other people think of you has nothing to do with you.
114.Respect money if you want to have a lot of it.
115.Be solution-oriented.
116.Don’t react, TRANSCEND!
117.Send love out into the world and you will always get it back.
118.Nothing brings out the worst in another faster than you focusing upon it.
119.Nothing brings out the best in another faster than you focusing upon it.
120.Forgive your parents for the mistakes they made.
121.Count it all as joy.
122.One of the duties of the leader is to lift up those who are not able to advance themselves.

123.There are few things that cannot be achieved by sheer determination and effort.
124.Smile more… as often as you remember. Notice the changes.
125.When you greet someone, say their name. People love hearing their own names.
126.Reinvent as much as possible. Use your life and influences to create something unique.

127.Life is a class and everything is a lesson.
128.Talk to people, not at them.
129.There is no good or bad, only the meaning you give to it.
130.You are here for a reason. Have you asked God what your purpose is on Earth?
131.If you have a definite major purpose, you will have the courage to act on your ideas.

132.Invest in increasing your knowledge of your own industry. You can’t afford not to.
133.Act like you know. (Marinate on that, it’s deeply metaphysical).
134.If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.
135.We are here to serve: create, inspire, motivate and teach.
136.Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
137.Be you, authentically.
138.Every choice you make changes your immediate future.
139.There is a big difference between wanting something and being ready to have it.
140.You attract what YOU ARE, not what YOU WANT.
141.If you want to change the fruit, change the root.
142.Stop talking/thinking about what you don’t want and focus on what you do want.
143.Stay away from negative words at all costs.
144.You are the average of the five closest people to you. Choose wisely.
145.Everything starts with just an idea.
146.Nobody but you is responsible for your life.
147.Everything isn’t for everybody.
148.Focus on the GOAL not the obstacle!
149.Give and it will be given to you! We all get what we deliver!
150.Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.

151.Inaction is the greatest risk of all.
152.Take responsibility for the energy you are sending out.
153.Goals are dreams with deadlines.
154.Have the audacity to ask for what you want an you just might get it.
155.Make your good better and your better best.
156.You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.
157.Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.
158.To make a difference tomorrow, you must do something different today.
159.Money shouldn’t be used to buy happiness, it should be used to buy freedom.
160.Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
161.Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.
162.The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.

163.You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.
164.Don’t spend time beating on a DUCK, hoping to transform it into a door.
165.Effect millions, make millions.
166.No one has ever succeeded in pleasing everyone, and you won’t be the first. Don’t be against anything be FOR whatever is positive.

167.If you want a better life… increase your skills. Always be learning.
168.You are the choices that you’ve made. Now, decide what choices you need to make in order to be the person you want to be.

169.Always aim to be the producer instead of a consumer.
170.Don’t believe in NO.
171.Embrace mistakes as an opportunity to learn never been afraid to fail.
172.Ideas are worthless without any execution.
173.Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain.
174.Time is finite. Money is infinite.
175.If you are stuck in a rut, make BOLD LIFE ALTERING decisions to change your life now!

176.Stop focusing on your weaknesses and focus on building your strengths.
177.Decide what you want, review it constantly, and each day do something that moves you toward those goals.

178.When you learn, teach. When you get, give.
179.If you aren’t given a bridge… build your own.
180.You will learn more from failure than success.
181.Don’t be a trendsetter, literally manufacture the trends. Don’t just read books, write them.

182.Nothing new can come into your life until you’re grateful for what you have NOW! Start from where you are NOW!

183.Life is a menu. Order!
184.Change is not an event, it’s a process. Take the first steps.
185.True forgiveness means saying ‘thank you for giving me that experience’. Everything is a lesson and an opportunity to grow.

186.Stop using your past to hold yourself back. Lighten the load.
187.Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend it rather than invest it.

188.Love is not crazy or stupid —egos are.
189.Cleaning is literally cleansing.
190.Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity.
191.Pray with your feet moving.
192.If you surround yourself with positive people, positive things will happen.
193.Practice serving others without expectation.
194.Get clear on your big goals and align every action you take from now on with those goals.

195.Every moment is an opportunity to grow and move forward, stay and be safe or move backwards.

196.Our life is shaped by our mind. We become what we think.
197.Aim to be like water.
198.As water rises no higher than the level of its source, so a man can rise no higher than his personal estimate of his source.

199.There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines. If you fail to make the one you’ve set, don’t conclude that goal setting doesn’t work. Instead, seek to increase your knowledge of it. Clear goals provide the strength to keep going; without them it is easy to collapse at the first obstacle.

200.There’s plenty of room at the top.
201.Your job in life is to create value where there was none before. To gain money, enrich the world in some way.

202.You cannot walk forward by looking backward.
203.Words have POWER! Watch what you say.
204.By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.
205.Sometimes you just have to SHUT UP… there’s a reason we have two ears and only one mouth.

206.Riches are not acquired… they are the simple things we already have but often fail to appreciate.

207.What holds most people back isn’t the quality of their ideas, but their lack of faith in themselves.

208.Your passion chooses you.
209.Poor is the man whose future depends on the opinions and permission of others.
210.Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tap into.
211.No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, not mere hope or wish.

212.If you want to learn to love, then you must start the process of finding out what it is, what qualities make up a loving person and see how these are developed. Each person has the potential for love. But potential is never realized without work. This does not mean pain.

213.When you have a wealth mentality, wealth follows naturally. Money gained without consciousness will quickly turn to the place it came from. Awareness is the steering wheel of your wealth and your life.

214.Your playing small does not serve the world. Who are you not to be great? If you want to change your life, change your choices. To change your choices you must change your belief system.

215.A decision made to move toward something is always more productive & energizing than a decision made to move away from something.

216.Life is like a mirror: what you put out you get back. If you’re dissatisfied with any area of your life it’s a great sign.

217.When it comes to your goals, replace “if” with “when.
218.What you can do, or dream you can, do it! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

219.We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse.
220.Small steps are good—they add up to big ones.
221.Rejections are not necessarily an indication of the lack of worth of your project. They may simply be indications of a mismatch of the applicant and rejecter. Or lack of good taste on the part of the person denying your request. Some of the greatest works of art and literature were overlooked by many people. In his lifetime, Vincent van Gogh sold but one painting, for a pittance. In recent years, one of his paintings sold for $135 million—the highest price ever paid for an oil painting.

222.You don’t have to work hard to make money, you just have to work smart.
223.Imagination is more important than knowledge.
224.There are three departments of the mind, the subconscious, conscious and superconscious. The subconscious, is simply power, without direction. The conscious mind has been called mortal or carnal mind. It is the human mind and sees life as it appears to be. It impresses the subconscious. The superconscious mind is the God Mind within each man, and is the realm of perfect ideas.

225.Use your strengths often. Do so in service to something bigger than yourself and you’ll be blessed with abundant happiness and a life filled with meaning.

226.Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.
227.Accept–then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.

228.If you’ve ever felt inspired by a purpose or calling, you know the feeling of Spirit working through you. Inspired is our word for in-spirited.

229.All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry—all forms of fear—are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of nonforgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.

230.More than those who hate you, more than all your enemies, an undisciplined mind does greater harm.

231.There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.

232.You are to become a creator, not a competitor; you are going to get what you want, but in such a way that when you get it every other man will have more than he has now.

233.You cannot exercise much power without gratitude; for it is gratitude that keeps you connected with Power.

234.You cannot change other people. You love them or you don’t. You accept them the way they are or you don’t. To try to change them to fit what you want them to be is like trying to change a dog for a cat, or a cat for a horse.

235.The one who loves you, loves you just the way you are. Because if someone wants to change you, it means you are not what that person wants.

236.If you cannot love your partner the way she is, someone else can love her just as she is. Don’t waste your time, and don’t waste your partner’s time. This is respect.

237.Self love which is by far the most important love relationship you will ever have.
238.Let go of the things you don’t love about your childhood, and keep the things you love. Let go of the things you don’t love about your adolescent and adult years, and keep the good things. Just keep the things you love about your whole life.

239.Many people don’t know about the power of good feelings, and so their feelings are reactions or responses to what happens to them. They have put their feelings on automatic pilot, instead of deliberately taking charge of them.

240.Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in any moment you can change the way you feel.

241.So how do you fall in love with life? The same way you fall in love with another person — you adore everything about them! You fall in love with another person by seeing only love, hearing only love, speaking only love, and by feeling love with all your heart! And that is exactly how you use the ultimate power of love in love with life.

242.You are the driver of your mind, so take charge and keep it busy with your instructions by telling it where you want it to go. Your mind only takes off on its own if you are not telling it what to do.

243.When anything good happens to you in your day, give thanks. It doesn’t matter how small it is, say thank you. When you get the perfect parking space, hear your favorite song on the radio, approach a light that turns green, or find an empty seat on the bus or train, say thank you. These are all good things that you are receiving from life.

244.Remember it only takes giving love and good feelings a minimum of 51 percent of the time to reach the tipping point and change everything.

245.Writing a full-fledged description of what you want is one way of saying you believe that it’s attainable and you are ready to receive it. The more precise you can be, the more ready you are. Write a visualization in loving detail—not only depicting your goal, but rehearsing what the particulars of your daily life will be like once this goal is realized.

246.You need not write volumes to express a goal; a short and simple list of items, as specific as possible, will clarify your intentions as surely as an elaborate description, and perhaps will be even more powerful.

247.The first step of commitment is to be willing to write down what you want. Then take some small action toward the realization of that dream.

248.You have to talk about what you love to bring what you love to you.

249.Love is the highest feeling you have, then in descending order from love comes: gratitude, joy, passion, excitement, enthusiasm, hope, satisfaction — these are the good feelings. Then comes bad feelings, in descending order, boredom, irritation, disappointment, worry, criticism, anger, hate, envy, guilt, despair, fear.

250.Count the things you love nonstop, one after the other, keep listing everything you love until you feel amazing.

251.Don’t struggle to change the circumstances of your life. Give love through your good feelings and what you want will appear. You have to give good feelings first. You have to be happy first and give happiness to receive happy things. Whatever you want to receive in life, you must give first.

252.Hard work results in acquiring knowledge about yourself that idleness never reveals.

253.Don’t be a cog in the machine, be a linchpin!
254.Whatever you decide to do, be honest, fair and do it to the best of your ability.
255.Being truly happy with yourself is the first step to attracting the friendships, intimate relationships and familial relationships that you want in your life.

256.While the universe is built by atoms, success is built by minutes; successful people are masters of the use of their time.

257.Expect to get the thing that you desire. Expectation is magnetic.
258.The greater the risk, the greater the potential success. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Be action oriented.The greater the risk, the greater the potential success. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Be action oriented.

259.Money is spiritual.
260.Success leaves clues. Study the people that have been successful in what you are pursuing.

261.Our perceptions of others are merely reflections of ourselves; therefore, to put another down or project negative words or energy towards another person, is to lash out at the other person because of our own insecurities.

262.What anybody thinks about you, or says about you is none of your business.
263.Go the extra mile.
264.Always do your best.
265.Be impeccable with your word.
266.Optimism is power.
267.Aim to be a master at whatever it is you choose to do and success will follow.
268.Luck happens to those who greatly increase the chances of its occurrence.
269.Your outer world of form and experience is a reflection of your inner world of thoughts and feelings. As above, so below. As within, so without.

270.The greater your awareness of the Presence of God/the Divine/Spirit within you, the more that Presence fills your consciousness and your world.

271.Upgrade from being competitive to being creative.
272.The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself.

273.Have the ability to protect yourself and your family.
274.Focus on your dopeness!
Roxci Heart <3